
OVM automatically detects Obsidian vaults for related commands and by using the -p flag with a path or a Glob pattern specify custom vaults (e.g., ~/Documents/obsidian/*). The content used in the examples below is for illustrative purposes only. e.g. In the output sections, the vaults are stored in ~/Documents/ directory.

All commands have a common set of options:

  -c, --config=<value>  [default: ~/ovm.json] Path to the config file.
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging mode.
  -t, --timestamp       Enable timestamp in logs.

ovm config init

Aliases: ovm ci

Configure an ovm.json config file in user's home directory.


$ ovm config init
info: Config file created {"path":"~/ovm.json"}

$ cat ~/ovm.json
  "plugins": []

ovm plugins install

Aliases: ovm pi

Install plugin(s) in specified vaults.


$ ovm plugins install
? Select the vaults: Career, Financial, Goals
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"colored-tags","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"copilot","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"dataview","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}
info: Installed 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"colored-tags","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Financial","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"copilot","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Financial","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"dataview","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Financial","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}}
info: Installed 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Financial","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"colored-tags","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Goals","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"copilot","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Goals","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}}
info: Installed plugin {"plugin":{"id":"dataview","version":"latest"},"vault":{"name":"Goals","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}}
info: Installed 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Goals","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}}

ovm plugins prune

Aliases: ovm pp

Prune existing plugin(s) from vaults that are unspecified in the config file.


$ ovm plugins prune
? Select the vaults: Test
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"obsidian-tasks-plugin","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Test"}
info: Pruned 1 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Test","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Test"}}

ovm plugins uninstall

Aliases: ovm pu

Uninstall plugin(s) from vaults.


$ ovm plugins uninstall
? Select the vaults: Career, Financial, Goals
? Select the plugins: colored-tags, copilot, dataview
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"colored-tags","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"copilot","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"dataview","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}
info: Uninstalled 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"colored-tags","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"copilot","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"dataview","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}
info: Uninstalled 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Financial","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Financial"}}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"colored-tags","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"copilot","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}
info: Removed plugin {"pluginId":"dataview","vaultPath":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}
info: Uninstalled 3 plugins {"vault":{"name":"Goals","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Goals"}}

ovm reports stats

Aliases: ovm rs

Statistics of vaults and installed plugins.

Output: Table (default) / JSON

$ ovm reports stats
? Select the vaults: Career, Financial, Goals
│ (index)      │ Values │
│ totalVaults  │ 3      │
│ totalPlugins │ 3      │
│ (index)                                          │ 0           │ 1           │ 2       │
│ colored-tags@5.0.0 (118.78 kB)                   │ 'Career'    │ 'Financial' │ 'Goals' │
│ copilot@2.5.2 (4.02 MB)                          │ 'Career'    │             │         │
│ dataview@0.5.67 (2.38 MB)                        │ 'Career'    │ 'Financial' │         │

ovm vaults run

Aliases: ovm vr / ovm r / ovm run

Run a shell command on selected vaults (using Node.js child_process).

Disclaimer: Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution, using of this command is at risk of command's caller.

Output: Table (default) / JSON

$ ovm vaults run -s "tar -cf '{0}.tar' '{0}'" -o=json
? Select the vaults: Career, Financial, Goals
info: Run command {"command":"tar -cf '~/Documents/obsidian/Career.tar' '~/Documents/obsidian/Career'","vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}

info: Run operation finished! {"custom_commands_log_path":"/var/folders/_v/j4w6kv1s27b6xjfzvl5k6lqm0000gn/T/ovm-custom-command.json"}
  "Career": {
    "success": true,
    "duration": "2 seconds",
    "error": null
  "Financial": {
    "success": true,
    "duration": "1 second",
    "error": null
  "Goals": {
    "success": true,
    "duration": "1 second",
    "error": null

$ ovm r "echo 'Path: {0}'"
info: Run command {"command":"echo 'Path: ~/Documents/obsidian/Career'","vault":{"name":"Career","path":"~/Documents/obsidian/Career"}}

info: Run operation finished! {"custom_commands_log_path":"/var/folders/_v/j4w6kv1s27b6xjfzvl5k6lqm0000gn/T/ovm-custom-command.json"}

│ (index) │ success │ duration │ error │ stdout                                 │
│ Career  │ true    │ '10 ms'  │ null  │ 'Path: ~/Documents/obsidian/Career'    │

Reserved placeholders

A custom command can be executed on vault(s) by using reserved placeholders as string value within the shell command. The placeholders are replaced with the actual values during the execution.

List of placeholders:

  • {0}: Vault path

  • {1}: Vault name


  • Echo vault(s) path

    • ovm run "echo 'Path: {0}'"

  • Echo vault(s) path and name

    • ovm run "echo 'Path: {0}, Name: {1}'"

  • Echo vault(s) name and silent the command's result

    • ovm run -s "echo 'Path: {0}'"

  • Create an archive of vault(s) by tar command

    • ovm run "tar -cf '{0}.tar' '{0}'"

  • Encrypt vault(s) directory by gpg command [algo: AES256, passphrase password]

    • ovm run "tar -cf '{0}.tar' '{0}' && gpg --batch --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --passphrase 'password' '{0}.tar'"

  • Decrypt the archive of vault(s) by gpg command [passphrase: password]

    • ovm run "gpg -q --batch --decrypt --passphrase 'password' -o '{0}.tar' '{0}.tar.gpg'"

Last updated